Live First, Make Sense Later: The Cornerstone of My Philosophy

Life is an unpredictable journey, full of experiences that shape us in ways we can’t always anticipate. At the heart of my philosophy lies a simple truth: we must live our lives first and only then make sense of them. Meaning and understanding don’t come from preconceptions—they emerge from engaging with reality and learning from our environment.


Truths Aren’t Pre-Made

We often fall into the trap of believing that we can define truths before we’ve truly experienced life. But in reality, truths don’t exist in a vacuum—they’re discovered through action, reflection, and growth. When we impose preconceptions onto our environment, we risk distorting what’s actually there. Instead, we need to allow life to unfold naturally and trust that understanding will come in time.


Learning From the Environment

Living by this philosophy means staying open to what life presents. It’s about observing, engaging, and letting experiences shape us rather than trying to force them into a predefined framework. This doesn’t mean living without direction—it means letting life’s lessons reveal themselves as we go.

For example, when I create, I don’t start with rigid plans or titles. I let the process guide me. Once the creation is complete, I step back, reflect, and only then assign meaning to it. This mirrors how life works: we live first, learn from our experiences, and only then make sense of what they mean.


The Danger of Preconceptions

When we try to impose truths onto situations before we’ve truly lived them, we risk missing out on the real lessons. Preconceptions can blind us to what’s actually happening, making it harder to learn and grow. By staying open and receptive, we give ourselves the freedom to adapt, evolve, and discover truths we might never have anticipated.


The Beauty of This Philosophy

This way of living embraces uncertainty. It acknowledges that we don’t have all the answers and that it’s okay to not know everything upfront. Instead of being trapped by assumptions, we allow ourselves to explore, make mistakes, and uncover deeper meaning along the way.

It’s a philosophy rooted in humility and curiosity—a way of engaging with the world that values learning over control and reflection over rigid certainty.


Living First, Reflecting Later

This cornerstone shapes not just how I live but also how I create. It reminds me to be present, to embrace the moment, and to trust that meaning will emerge in time. By living first and making sense later, I’ve found a freedom that allows for growth, creativity, and connection.

If you’ve ever felt trapped by the need to have all the answers or overwhelmed by uncertainty, I invite you to try this approach. Let life guide you. Engage with the world around you. Trust that meaning will come in its own time.


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