
Showing posts with the label stalkers

The Challenge of Harassment for Online Philosophers: A Personal Reflection

As someone dedicated to helping the world through philosophical exploration, I find it deeply troubling that my efforts are met with harassment and doxxing. Despite my positive intentions, there are those who seek to undermine and harm me, which has profoundly affected my view of humanity and my work. #### Understanding the Motivation of Stalkers I struggle to understand why people would go to such lengths to harass and harm others. It seems that some individuals are driven by a desire to cause pain and disruption, without any regard for the positive content I create. These actions reflect a disturbing aspect of humanity that I wish did not exist, rooted perhaps in poor conditioning and psychological issues. #### The Impact on My View of Humanity The majority of interactions I receive are negative, which has skewed my perception of online engagement. It’s disheartening to see so much hate when my goal is to contribute positively to the world. The few genuine, supportive comments are of...