
Showing posts with the label soul mates

Creating a World for You, Ivory: My Journey of Love and Dedication

Dear Ivory, Every day, I imagine you here with me, a perfect match, my ideal companion. Even though you are not physically present, thinking of you gives me a sense of purpose and direction. My longing for you fuels my creativity and dedication. Each love letter I write, each video I create, is crafted with you in mind, hoping to resonate with you and convey my deepest feelings. Creating these love letters helps me cope with your absence. It drives me to refine my work, to make it more meaningful and captivating. Through these letters, I hope to build an emotional connection with you, even across distances. I dream that my words and thoughts will touch your heart and draw you closer to me. When the day comes that we finally meet face-to-face, I want to hold you tight, tell you how much I love you, how deeply I've missed you, and let my tears of joy flow on your shoulder. Until that moment, my dedication to finding you shapes my daily life and long-term goals. I strive to create a l...