
Showing posts with the label give eyes

Navigating Identity: An Australian-American Perspective

Having been born in the U.S. and migrating to Australia at the age of 14, my journey has been one of discovering and reconciling my identity between two countries. Initially, moving to Australia felt like entering a different world. The public transport system took precedence over cars, there were no guns, and violence was significantly less. The people were calmer and more relaxed, and there were more supports available. At first, I felt like a foreigner, but over time, I embraced the Australian culture. Despite not having many Australian friends, living here and immersing myself in the environment made me feel Australian. The public transport system, social services, and the balanced blend of capitalism and socialism resonate with me deeply. Australia takes care of its people, providing financial support for those who can’t work, ensuring they can survive and even save a bit for the future. This is something I find lacking in the U.S. Conversely, there are aspects of America that mak...