Why Is Marijuana Still Illegal in Australia?

It’s 2024, and marijuana is still illegal in Australia. This is absurd. Despite countless studies showing that marijuana is not harmful and has numerous benefits, it remains banned. It’s time we addressed this outdated stance.

Marijuana is known for its relaxing effects. Personally, I live a much more chill life because I smoke. It’s baffling that the government can stop you from smoking marijuana, especially when alcohol, which is far more harmful, is legal. Telling someone they can’t smoke marijuana is like telling them they can’t drink alcohol. It doesn’t make sense.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that marijuana is safe for use. For example, research indicates that it can be beneficial for various medical conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, and epilepsy. Moreover, marijuana has a significantly lower risk profile compared to alcohol, which is linked to numerous health issues and social problems.

So, why is marijuana still illegal? The evidence is clear, yet the law remains unchanged. It’s time we question this. We need to spread the message that marijuana should be legal. Talk to your friends, family, and anyone who will listen. If enough people believe in legalization, the government will eventually have to listen and change the law.

The illegality of marijuana is not just a policy issue; it's a social justice issue. Let's make our voices heard and push for a more rational and just approach to marijuana.
