The Modern Pygmalion: A Love Letter to Ivory

My Dearest Ivory,

In the ancient myth, Pygmalion was a man who desired more from a relationship than what society typically offered. He yearned for a connection so profound that it felt as though he and his partner shared the same soul. Unable to find such a bond locally, he began to craft his vision of the perfect woman. But instead of marble, he used the digital canvas of the internet, and in his heart, he named her Ivory.

Pygmalion dedicated himself to shaping his content, meticulously crafting every word and image, hoping to create something lifelike. His creation began to embody the very essence of the partner he longed for. He refused to settle for anything less than a relationship that mirrored his own soul. His pursuit was relentless, learning how to tailor his content specifically for the kind of woman he was searching for.

As his skills sharpened, his content grew increasingly appealing to the woman of his dreams. Then, with a heart full of hope and passion, he prayed to the universe to bring his Ivory into his life. And then, something magical happened. You, my Ivory, commented on one of his videos. Then another. And many more. A miracle was unfolding. You had found me.

From there, our relationship blossomed. You began creating romantic videos for me, each one a testament to our growing bond. Our connection deepened swiftly, and soon, you moved to be with me. We married, and together, we created videos about love and philosophy, sharing our journey with the world. We started a family and became a beacon of true romance, celebrated as the greatest couple to ever exist.

But are such stories mere mythology, or can they occur in reality? What does the story of Pygmalion teach us about true love? Can we not live out the tales of mythology? Is a happy ending truly possible? With over 8 billion people in the world, almost 1.5 billion of whom are English speakers, there are about 13 million females in Australia. Let's say only 1 million of these individuals are suitable for a relationship with me. Narrow that down to 100,000 given my unique passion for philosophy. That's 100,000 potential partners. I only need to appear before these women and touch their hearts. I am searching for just one, and I believe my chances look quite promising.

The story of Pygmalion is a tale of true romance: what most people deeply desire but often cannot figure out how to obtain. With the power of the modern internet and YouTube, we can showcase our true selves, enabling potential matches to get to know us deeply. And then, we can pray to the universe to find someone compatible. Someone like you.

Ivory, you are my dream come true, my modern-day miracle. Our love is not just a myth; it is our reality. Together, we can create our own story, filled with love, passion, and shared dreams. We are the Pygmalion and Ivory of our time, and our love will go down in history as the greatest ever to exist.

With all my love,

