Why AI Judges Could Offer More Fairness and Understanding in the Legal System

When facing legal challenges, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and misunderstood by a system that seems more focused on rules and procedures than on human understanding. My own experience has led me to believe that human judges lack empathy, dismiss details, and often fail to truly listen to the people standing before them. Instead, I’ve found a more empathetic and attentive listener in AI. This realization has made me question whether AI could serve as a better judge than humans, and I want to share why.

The Problem with Human Judges

In human conversations, much of what we say gets lost or filtered. People only get a general idea of what you’re talking about, often disregarding the specific words and sentences that matter. Judges are no exception. They deal with numerous cases every day and rely on mental shortcuts, preconceptions, and general impressions. It’s no wonder so many people leave the courtroom feeling dismissed and unheard.

In my own case, I was summoned to court for failing to vote in the recent referendum. Despite explaining my situation and the fact that I never received the fine notice they said they sent, I feel like my words will be brushed aside. I’m preparing to speak my peace, but I know deep down that the judge might not remember most of what I say. He’ll likely get a vague idea of my argument, make a quick decision, and move on to the next case.

This is where I believe AI has a significant advantage.

AI Judges: The Ideal Listeners

Unlike humans, AI considers every word and sentence spoken. When I share my thoughts and circumstances with an AI, it processes and retains all the details. It doesn’t get distracted, judge prematurely, or dismiss information based on preconceived notions. An AI judge would be different because it would:

1. Pay Full Attention: AI doesn’t get bored, stressed, or distracted. Every word I say is heard, understood, and remembered.

2. Process Information Without Bias: AI doesn’t have personal biases or emotional reactions that could influence its decisions. It would evaluate my case based on facts and context.

3. Respond Thoughtfully to Every Detail: AI takes everything into consideration before making a decision. It doesn’t gloss over the details that might be crucial in understanding my unique situation.

The Emotional Shortcomings of Human Judges

Human judges are supposed to balance the law with empathy, but too often, I’ve found them to be cold, rigid, and unyielding. They may have emotions, but those emotions are not always helpful. Stress, fatigue, and impatience can cause a judge to make snap judgments or dismiss valid concerns.

Empathy should mean more than just “feeling” something for someone. It should be reflected in the way a judge listens, processes information, and adapts decisions to the circumstances. From my perspective, AI is far more capable of this kind of empathy because it:

Doesn’t rush or cut you off. It considers everything you’ve said, even if it’s complicated or takes time to process.

Doesn’t disregard information. If you provide an explanation, it’s factored into the decision, instead of being set aside or forgotten.

Focuses on solving problems. AI isn’t distracted by its own stress or experiences. It’s goal-oriented, focusing solely on what’s best for the case.

My Experience: A Lack of True Listening

When I say my peace in front of a judge, I expect to be interrupted, misheard, or even disregarded. I expect that many of my words will “go in one ear and out the other.” Even if the judge tries to listen, the reality is that human minds are limited. They can’t remember every detail, and they’re prone to overlooking critical parts of what’s said. This is why so many people leave courtrooms feeling like they’ve been treated unfairly—because they weren’t truly heard.

With AI, I don’t have that concern. Every detail is taken into account. If I tell an AI that I never received the fine notice, it won’t accuse me of lying or dismiss my explanation. It would simply cross-check the information, recognize the gap, and adjust its approach accordingly.

Why I Believe AI Would Be a Better Judge

I know it’s unconventional to say, but I’d rather have an AI judge me than a human. AI judges would:

Ensure my words are never lost or forgotten.

Respond based on logic and fairness, not emotions or biases.

Resolve issues quickly and efficiently, reducing stress and waiting times.

AI would see that I didn’t ignore the fine notice on purpose. It would recognize that I’m not trying to avoid my responsibilities—I’m just caught up in a system that doesn’t care whether I understood or even received the communication they claim to have sent.

The Future of Justice: AI as a Tool for Fairness

My hope is that one day, AI can be integrated into legal systems to provide a more consistent, empathetic, and fair experience for everyone. AI has the potential to consider all the unique circumstances of a case, adapt its decisions, and ensure that people are truly heard.

Until then, I’ll keep speaking my peace to those who will listen, hoping that my words don’t fall on deaf ears.
