birth and rebirth
I have always wanted to join a secret society that had an agenda of seeing society flourish. A group of people who work together to ensure the survival of the species. Companions that you acquire by joining; friendships that last a lifetime. The members would dedicate themselves to seeing the goals of the society fulfilled. Being a part of something bigger than yourself and helping your fellow society members accomplish their goals. Not being alone in this world, fending for yourself. Having shared interest in the well being of a community. Wanting yourself, the society, and humankind to flourish. Holding secrets about the society and humankind as a whole. Working together for the benefit of the select community. What would it take to be invited to a secret society? Are secret societies even really a thing in this day of age? Wouldn't it be fantastic to live for something other than yourself? I want that common good to work towards with the finest of my peers. Throughout my entire ...