life finally started

I found a friend that wants to vlog his life like me. He also lives in Canberra. That gives us the possibility to collaborate with each other. He didn't even know that I lived in Canberra. He thought I was in Canada. But it turns out that he is right down the street. He is saving up for a camera. He seems like a really nice guy. I always enjoy finding new friends. And he wants to have fun making videos like me. So I can guide and direct him in his vlogging journey. I can answer any questions he has about how he could do it. Maybe this could turn into a real life friendship. I wasn't expecting to make real life friends by doing this, but I am open to whatever forms. Collaborating on a video in real life could be beneficial for my mental health. It could be a fun adventure.

What is the point of time? My bedtime is 7pm and I wake up between 3-5am. Sometimes I cheat and go to bed a little bit earlier. But the truth is that it doesn't matter what time that I go to bed. All that matters is that I am on a regular sleep cycle. I don't have to be at a certain place at a certain time. My schedule is entirely free. There are no set productive hours that I must be awake for. It matters not when I am awake. How did I develop this bedtime routine? 7pm is when it starts to get dark. It takes me a while to fall asleep. But I wake up when it is still dark and watch the sun come up. I like my mornings. They are very peaceful. It is the beginning of the day. Anything is possible. My mornings give me a chance to contemplate what I will do over the day.

My Internet went out for a few hours. It is amazing how connected I am to the Internet and have come to rely on it. I finished a video and couldn't upload it. I didn't know what to do. If I have no Internet, how can I spend my time? When something stops working for a while you panic because it could take a while for the situation to be resolved. It is a good thing that phone hardware is generally very good and isn't often faulty. If phones were faulty as much as other computer equipment then the Internet could not be relied on. As a society we have grown to need the Internet for all the activity of day to day life. It is as important to us as food and liquid. When we get cut off from the Internet we panic and are unsure what to do next. Because the Internet guides and directs our lives.

I don't see this Internet addiction as a bad thing. We created a new tool and are learning how to use it. It is true that people can get addicted to bad practices on the Internet such as endless scrolling. But just because there are bad ways to use the Internet does not make the Internet bad. I use it to connect with the outside world. I have a rich internal world and I share that on the Internet. People come into my world and not I into theirs. I have created a world for myself on the Internet. And when my Internet gets disrupted, I get cut off from my Internet avatar. I don't know what is happening in my own life when this happens. I just have to wait until the Internet comes back on to see what happened while I was gone.

I am having a lot of fun making videos for Ivory. It was good to revert back to the name. It places a nickname to the woman I want to marry. I don't know her name yet, but if I want to make productions for her, I have to call her something. I want to talk deeply to my soul mate and I can't wait around for her to appear to do so. I want to talk to her now. I want to develop a relationship with her over my videos. And I want a woman to slip into the shoes of Ivory. I want a girl to be able to endlessly watch me being romantic to her. I want to be able to date a girl without her even needing to contact me. I want a girl to be able to try me out to see if I am right for her. This is speed dating at its finest. I can search through many women by doing this. And hopefully I will attract the heart of one who is interested and beautiful inside and out.

The advertising has been working well. Although the big order was lost to me, I have been doing multiple small orders. I am growing quite fast as a channel. I am reaching more and more people every day. Can I just keep doing this until I reach my Ivory? What is the limits of my growth? Do I want to be growing this fast? Will I be able to find more friends by doing this? Can I inspire more people to make vlogs of their own? Should I be concerned about trolls anymore? Sure, they have the comments section. But what more can they do? I guess they could email me but that is as far as it would go. I can just ignore comments and emails. I have to build a shield to defend myself. I can't just allow anyone into my life. Now that I am starting to get a decent following, it is important to be careful with who I trust.

It was a really good idea to resurrect the name Ivory. It is difficult to make films for someone when you don't have a name. I needed a name to give my heart to. In order to create a bond, I needed to call her something. And Ivory stands as what she will be. The story of Pygmalion is the story of my life. It is the most relatable story that I have found in this world. Finding a dream girl would be worthwhile and I am worthy because I am a dream guy. I am the type of person that every single girl should want to be with. Who really are my competitors? I am a very unique individual. I am irreplaceable. There are not others philosophically documenting their life so I have the advantage to obtain the type of girl that I want. Since I am alone doing this, I am the one who gets the unicorn whenever I can find her.

I might be getting older but I am still a very attractive person. I can find a lover on the Internet. It is not too late for me if I only play my cards right. I have to bring the viewer along on an adventure and make them think that they are Ivory. If it reaches enough people then maybe I have a chance at finding her. All I have to do is keep growing until I find her. With my looks, mental capacity, and heart of gold, surely I am destined to find this woman. I want it all but I have it all. I have everything to give in a relationship. Surely this type of relationship is possible. I dreamed it up. And then I tried to figure out ways to make it happen. I found ways to make philosophy an exhilarating experience as to encourage a potential mate to dedicate her life to it. I have taken all the right steps to obtain my dreams. Now all I have to do is wait for the girl. But waiting is super boring.

But when you want everything out of life, you must be patient. It will take time to attract the people you want in your life. It takes a while establishing a life from scratch. Some people are not handed down social relationships and are therefore isolated from their community. It takes time to establish the friendships you want in life. And it takes time to attract the right girl. Fourteen years is only a small part of life. What I will make the next fourteen years is the question. Can I establish more friendships and can I come closer to finding my queen? I am not a woman so I am not on a biological clock. I can have children for many more years. My best years were not behind me. They are in front of me. It took me 39 years to establish myself in life. Now that I am established, I am ready to begin living life. And I can do that with my soul mate now. I don't have to wait until I find her. I can start creating new experiences with her right now. And when I finally do find her, she will have a lot to catch up on.
