Christmas politics

What does Christmas mean to people without friends and family in their life? Christmas holds so much meaning for the average person in this world but they neglect to think about the lonely people out there. Christmas is a day where families and friends come together. Those without families and friends will be spending the day in solitude. How can Christmas have meaning beyond other people?

I don't celebrate holidays because holidays mean nothing to me. I don't get to spend the holidays invested in family and friends. I am just here at my house sitting in my chair all alone. Is this day supposed to be more special than the other days? They feel a lot like other days. Just me here, isolated and lonely. Santa did not come last night and there are no gifts to open. It is pretty hard to get into the Christmas spirit when Christmas to me just means loneliness and isolation.

I have launched my blog publicly on my YouTube channel! I doubt this will bring in many readers, but it is worth a shot. Those who enjoy my videos will likely enjoy my writing. And I am trying to replace mainstream entertainment here, so why not give them the content just in case they want to consume it? My subscribers consists almost entirely of men. And I have a lot of haters so I am unsure how many subscribers of mine are haters. Most of my subscribers are no longer active on my channel. They must have gotten tired of me.

Christmas would have to be the loneliest day of the year for me. This is not to say that other days in the year are not just as lonely. But on Christmas, everybody retreats to their family and friends. They have celebrations together while I am sitting here with nothing to do. It just feels like the loneliest day of the year because everybody else is out having fun and I am not. I feel like I am missing out on what they have, namely, loved ones. How I want to be loved by others. But others hesitate to love me. They watch me struggle in pain and do not reach out to me. I am their entertainment and they love watching me suffer. I am someone they can laugh at because I do not obtain what I want in life. My misery entertains them.

About two billion people on this planet speak English. And I can't find others to be friends with. The odds are in my favour. Why is it so hard to find friends when there are so many potential friends available? Can I really not find other people who document their lives with meaning? Can I really not convince anyone to vlog and blog their life? I need more than friends in this life. I need entertainment. And I want my friends to provide me that entertainment. I don't want to watch mainstream entertainment. I want to receive my entertainment from a select few who passionately document their lives. I don't want to be just an observer. I want to interact with these people through comments, messaging, emails, blogging, and vlogging. I can't seem to find anyone who is currently doing this, so I am trying to encourage others to join me in this crusade.

Documenting your life like this has many advantages. Why don't you try it? I will be there for you every single step of the way encouraging you on. If you don't yet feel comfortable showing your face on camera, start with a blog. Then work yourself up to YouTube. Then do both. If you find yourself with a lot of free time in life then this is the perfect opportunity for you. Use that free time to create something truly beautiful. Share your soul with the public and reap the benefits of being a content creator. You don't need mainstream media in life to entertain you. All you need is yourself and me and anyone else I can convince to do this with me. It would be really rewarding if I created a group to do this with.

I don't understand how world leaders are "elected". You are voting for this private person or this private person. Elections as they are currently run make no sense to me. If I was to vote for someone, I would want to know everything there is to know about the person. I want them to have a vlog and blog where they share their feelings on subjects. Interviews can rarely assess what is in a person's heart. The content has to come from themselves intentionally. I hope the future of world leaders are content producers. It is the only way that you can ensure transparency. And we need world leaders that our younger generations can respect and look up to. That is why I have decided to announce my candidacy for the 2024 election in the USA. Just joking. That would be terrible.

Our government needs to be overhauled. Younger people need to become the leaders of the world. I test as a socialist. But politics aside, I think the primary purpose of the government should be to take care of its people. That is the most important role the government should have. We need to bring the government into the year 2024. Its practices are ancient. We need a modern government that is for the people. The infrastructure that has been built is limiting the potential. We need to demolish the old building and create something new. Something that resembles the age that we now live in.

I don't understand how obviously bad people can obtain positions of world power. Trump is not a good guy. Neither is Biden. Few of our world leaders in this age have been good people. Why am I given a ballot with choices that are all bad choices. I am not given the option to elect someone with a good heart. That is why I do not vote. And it is mandatory to vote in Australia so I get fined for not voting. Why should I get fined when the only options given to me were bad options? That isn't a choice. Its a death sentence. And the only choice you get to have about it is how you will die. Do you want this cruel person to lead your country or this cruel person? The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
