digital marketing

I have done it. I have taken the leap and hired a digital marketer. I am tired of making meaningful content that gets ignored. My work is pretty good. I deserve a following. I am going to try my luck having someone to promote my content. I am not a digital marketer and I have no idea how to get my work out there. So with what little I can spare each paycheck, I will attempt to promote my content. I used Fiverr to find someone who could promote my content for little money. I hope this works out and they do a good job. I did specify that I am only interested in finding real people to follow my work. That wasn't a problem for them.

I shouldn't have to focus my time on digital marketing. I am a content producer, not a digital marketer. I wouldn't even know where to start. I need to be focusing on creating new content, not marketing myself to the public. There are people available to help with my digital marketing needs. And I just neglected to find someone who could help me with this. I am just an individual who lives on a pension. I can't afford much. But I am consistent and I need regular advertising so it is consistent work. These people are usually from poorer countries just trying to make a living. Many of them use unethical practices so you have to be careful about who you choose. You might just get taken advantage of.

I have always had difficulty marketing. Facebook groups would never accept my posts. I have had no way to connect with people outside of the YouTube algorithm. And being at mercy to the YouTube algorithm is not a pleasant experience. YouTube does not provide a nurturing environment to small content creators. They usually remain isolated. I need another to break me out of my shell. I need to find ways to get out there to the public. What I am currently doing is not working. I need to put my trust in outside help and try and break the curse of loneliness. There must be ways to get my work out there. I must find out how.

Dating apps are expensive. It would be better use of my money advertising my content. And this would allow me to connect with a potential partner on a deeper level. I wasted so much money on dating apps over the years. I should have just spent the money on advertising. This work has a greater potential to connect with someone's soul than a dating app. I sometimes just get lost in the media that they provide for me. I should be investing completely in my own media. I don't need a dating app. I am a public figure. If I find a woman then it will be through my work. Not a platform designed to make money from lonely people.

How to use my extra income has always been a difficult thing to know. I have been saving up for a visa for a potential partner. But I don't think that is the best use of my money. I should not save for a non-existent person. Instead, I should invest in my own work. Get my messages out there. I just need to stick with one marketer who can advertise everything for me. I hope that I have found the right marketer. It is always hard when you get ripped off. But it doesn't matter too much because I can only afford consistent small jobs. But many small jobs over the period of a year will add up. It is time for me to advertise my diary. The video and text diary is mature enough to share with the public. Both channels are ready for public consumption.

My job is to be an example to this world of what it means to truly live. I make mistakes and I learn from my mistakes. I identify unhealthy mental characteristics and take steps to resolve them. This is a mirror into my own mind. In it, I express both the healthiest and unhealthiest parts of myself. I guide myself through life's challenges and assemble my mental faculties real time. I build upon the simple thought. The choices that I make here and now effect how I live my future. And I don't want to live my future begging for friends. I want to have a following that engages with my content. I shouldn't have to worry about digital marketing. I have more important things to worry about.

Creating content is not a problem. My goal is to be able to replace mainstream media for individuals seeking freedom from it. I aim to be a complete media solution, or at least close to it. Being a small content creator has assisted me in many ways. It took a long time to grow so I was able to accumulate a great deal of content. Now, new people coming to me will have a great deal that they can watch and read. I had to build my empire first in order to one day have the potential to advertise it. Everything happened at the right time because I had to organise what it was that I was trying to do with my channel. I had to discover on camera what it was that I wanted to make the channel.

Is it a romance channel or is it a philosophy channel? The answer is both. I am going to try and use these platforms to achieve my dreams. Philosophy can help me make the wisest decisions possible for my life and romance can potentially attract me a wife. These are the things in life that I am interested in. They are parts of me. They are passions that I have had for a very long time. And I like to share these passions with others, not only to reach my soul mate but also to reach you. You are an important part of my life. I don't want my life to be stuck in a bubble. I want to get out there and engage with the public. Having your attention span really means the world to me. It means that it was worth my effort to share this with you. I am so glad that it could reach your eyes.

I have tried to advertise on many occasions with my old work. It never worked out. I could never find anyone who was good at it. But my budget has always left a lot to be desired. This work is new and I have not yet really tried to advertise. But the content is now ready for new eyes to see it. So it is now time to start advertising. And not just now and then. Regular advertising. A consistent aspect of my life that I do on a regular basis. Drop the dating apps Wendell. Just advertise your work. And if you can't find a lady through it, at least you can use it to make friends. Expand your social network through your work and not through other means. A dating app will never tell me what is in a person's heart. But how they react to my work will.
