Let's take a step back and examine how I am blessed in life. Despite having so few friends and no lover, I am a very blessed individual. I am healthy and physically fit. I have plenty of food. I have a roof over my head in a good location. I live a meaningful life deeply invested into my own philosophy. I do what I want and when I want it. I don't have to consider the needs of others because I am independent. I make my own way in life and have no boss to tell me what to do. I don't even have to work. All that matters to me in this life is expressing who I am. And the Internet provides me all of the tools to be able to do that. Life is good. I just was not envisioning the entire picture. I was so focused on finding my soul mate that I lost perspective in life. I lost my senses madly in love. Now it is time I take back my life for myself.
I am a highly creative individual that produces public content. My loneliness feeds my ability to express myself. My tears lead the discussions that I have with myself. Talking to yourself is a very advanced way of communicating messages to yourself. Especially when you document those thoughts. Talking to yourself without any way of recording it is lost potential. I want to publicly document the dialogue in which I battle through topics with myself. If it is somehow useful to the public then that is a bonus. But what you see before you is the creation of me. It is what it took to be able to achieve the perspectives that I have obtained. It is what wisdom that I could extract from the world given my circumstances. It is me sharing myself with the world. And deep down I hope they want it.
My life is just really boring and I have to be able to fix that. But I have a long term plan that I am working on. I am trying to convince like minds to also make content. I have one friend interested in doing this so I am on the right path. I just need to show the world how fun this is to do in hopes of them eventually creating content for me to consume. This is Kant's public use of reason in action. Enlightenment is right there for us to achieve. We only need to prove this style of documentation is highly beneficial to the individual. Encourage others to join in. This is my vision and solution to fix my problems with boredom.
This could easily be achieved with only five to ten people. They could provide each other's entertainment. We could experience each other's life together. We could engage with each other's content and work through life together. We could become a group that other people respected and admired. We could advertise each other's work to our own audiences. We could use our productions to engage socially with one another. All you have to do is create a blog and a vlog and document your life philosophically. Choose the best medium to convey your messages and regularly post. I will follow you and cheer you on. I am your audience. Entertain me.
What would it take to entertain me? First and foremost, I want to hear things from you that make me know the world is a better place just because you are in it. Use your productions to reach the highest version of yourself that you can obtain. Be very thoughtful in your approach and construct meaning before me. I want to hear about your struggles and your successes. I want to hear what you think it means to exist. Inspire me with your actions and teach me what it means to be human. Unfold your life in front of me and let me empathise with your pain. What is most meaningful in your life and why? You are the main character of this story. Be the hero or heroine that you were always meant to be.
This is Channel Wendell. It is the coolest channel on the Internet. It is really difficult to find Channel U. I have been searching for Channel U all of my life and still haven't been able to find you. Maybe it is time to put Channel U into action and finally give me content worth consuming. Join me on this epic journey of soul and wisdom. Teach me what you have learned in life. Be a role model for me. Start to truly live by sharing your life with the public. It feels so good and you will love it so much that you will begin to wonder how you ever lived without it. Go ahead, map out your psychology. It is really fun! And it is very rewarding. And by doing it you would be doing what you can to save the world. The world is in pretty bad condition. We need U.
I used to like playing computer games. But then I started playing the coolest computer game ever. It is called real life on the Internet. Being a public person is so rewarding. Even if I am unknown, just having my work out there for other people to experience feels so good. I am obsessed with this game of life. How can we make our dreams come true? And that is the purpose of the work; to aid in making your dreams come true. First we must assess our dreams to see if they are achievable. We shouldn't be chasing things in our life that is outside the range of possibility. Explore your possibilities and then assess what dreams you should be chasing. Once decided, passionately seek to obtain your dreams.
My dream used to be to find a beautiful wife and then raise a family. But as time marches on, the possibility for that dwindles. So I am now recreating myself and my philosophy to reflect these changes in life aspirations. What I wanted to do is no longer very likely so I must change my direction. My new life is now dedicated to finding friends who produce content. This is achievable if I work hard at encouraging others to do it. And I only need a small network to be able to entertain myself in this life. But it is still a task that is reliant on the actions of other people. And there are very few people in this life who can be trusted.
My goal in life has been set and I take off on the adventure of a lifetime seeking out others who might want to do this with me. Sharing myself with the public is the most rewarding thing that I have ever done in my life. My work is created and follows me all of the days of my life. I create the moments most precious to me. I take myself on a wild ride through the infinite possibilities of my own mind. I have educated myself in this life. I am my own teacher and best friend. I come to myself for solace and there I am to pick myself up and try again. And again. And again. This is only one of the countless times that I stand here on my soap box preaching for you to document your own life. Do it for yourself. You deserve the spot light.
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