group learning
My blogs are extremely enjoyable for me to experience. I just write the post, correct for potential errors, publish, and then go to the post and share it with my text-to-speech app. Then it reads my post back to me. I find this an extremely enjoyable way of consuming content. Text is small so you are never waiting on upload times and you don't have to worry about a thumbnail. I don't know why I did not start blogging earlier in life. I made books instead of blogging. Now those books are gone and forgotten. Which is more sustainable, writing books or blogging? Blogs are public meaning that this information can forever stay in the human bank of information. My books achieved me nothing.
I have been into text-to-speech for all of my life. I have read many books using text-to-speech. But I don't read books anymore. I consume almost entirely my own content. I look for content out there of others doing something similar to me, but I have been unable to find any. But I will stay on the lookout for such content that is good for my soul. I did not choose to almost entirely consume my own content. I just could not find any content out there worthy of my attention.
My only friend has a blog that he will share with me soon. He is also interested in making a YouTube channel and doing like me, spreading himself between his blog and his vlog. I think doing this is awesome because you get the best of both worlds. You get both video and text. And you can swing between the two as much as you want. Video is more invasive into your privacy than text. But some content would just be so much more meaningful if delivered face to face. In life I have swapped between video and text many times. I conquered video. But I never conquered text. I never managed to get text based expression to work for me. So that is the point of this blog; to finally conquer text and get it to work for me in a way that I am comfortable with.
My choices for entertainment in this life are both text and video. I have found a handful of YouTubers that I find value in watching. I have not yet found any bloggers worth following. But I am sure that they are out there somewhere. This is a website. There is no interface to connect writers with readers other than the world wide web. It would be unlikely that I will stumble upon other philosophers trying to accomplish similar goals. But I will keep a watchful eye out to seek these people. Maybe my new friend and I can just provide each other entertainment.
Wouldn't it be cool if you had a group of friends and they were all content producers. And this group of friends just used each other's content for their own entertainment? How strong could this group grow together? That is the life that I want. I want to find other passionate content producers and share work together. You could even team up with these people for crossover shows. You could communicate with these people through your artistic expressions. You could inspire each other and develop meaningful connections through a public medium. You could be a group and advertise each other. Because other people might want to join the new world that everybody created for each other.
But is this just a fantasy? Is it impossible to find people who would want to do this? It is already so hard finding people that are interested in philosophy. But finding people interested in philosophy and sharing their lives with the public seems impossible. But wait. I have my new friend and he wants to do the sort of thing that I envision. And if two people started doing that together then maybe it would encourage more people to join. I don't know. We will have to see how this works out. It would be really cool to invest my time in another's work who invests their time into my work. I think this entire process would be really rewarding. And it is really sticking it in the face of mainstream media. No thanks. We don't want that. What we have here is better.
I want a world with more philosophical media in it. I am one outlet that can provide food for the soul. Will I be able to find other deep thinking individuals to follow? It is really difficult to find the gems amongst all the rubbish. How difficult would it be to find me? I think it unlikely that if another version of myself existed that I would come across myself in life. People are difficult to find. Especially open people who share their lives with the public. You would think this would be the opposite. But my work gets buried by all the other trash being dumped on it. I rarely get to have a truly meaningful conversation because there are so few who would put their heart out there for the public to see.
This goes for those who read and do not comment. Why are you not throwing your perspective into the ring? Can we not experience this life together. You share your experiences and I will share mine. Comment because it is the right thing to do. And don't just say something random. Say something meaningful related to the work. My friend told me today that he was fond of his comments from his blog. But he rarely comments on my work. Help the content creators know that their work means something by leaving an insightful comment. You don't have to comment but your life is interactive. You are not a passive observer. Engage with the content by commenting and enrich your social atmosphere.
Kant had this vision of a public forum where everybody could make public use of their reason. It is at our fingertips. If we only effectively use the platforms that are provided to us. In dating apps, very few people entirely fill out their profile. They are not using the app how it was designed to be used. And because of these people, they make it really hard for people that are serious about finding love to find it. I want to maximise my potential through platforms such as YouTube and Blogger. I don't want to have an incomplete profile in life. I want to pass leaving the world the work called my life. When I die I want people to be able to find out the person who I truly was.
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